Once author’s paper is accepted for publish in IJESAT Journal, the registration for publication phase begins. Author have to pay the publication charges according to author’s category only. It is mandatory that at least one author of an accepted paper may register in order for the paper to appear in the Journal publication Issue. If an author has got more than one accepted papers, then authors have to pay the payment as paper wise individual. Authors have to pay the publication fees in the IJESAT Account only OR through our GooglePay/Phonepay.
Publication Charges Includes:
i) Charges include publication of one entire Research Paper Online (maximum 5 authors per paper)
ii) Charges include entire Research Paper Online, Individual Certificate for all authors (Softcopy),Confirmation Letter (Softcopy), Indexing, typesetting, maintenance of Website and journal infrastructures.
iii) Softcopy of Certification of paper publishing (author wise individual)
iv) Paper and authors Details handing charges
v) Basic formatting for Publication of Paper
vi) Process for assigning unique paper identification number, Typesetting.
vii) Publishing and Listing the papers in the IJESAT SEARCH Digital Library and others Major indexing
viii) Indexing of paper in all major online journal databases like Google Scholar, academia.edu and others Major indexing
ix) Provide automation citation generator for published paper.
Rs.2,500 - For online publication only + Digitally Signed E-Certificate
Note:- If exceeds 8 pages: Rs.100 for each extra page
60USD - For online publication + Digitally Signed E-Certificate
Note:- If exceeds 8 pages: 5USD for each extra page